Results for 'Hubert van Cicero'

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  1.  22
    Over'psychotherapie: een vak apart'van A. Dantzig.Hubert Van Hoorde - forthcoming - de Uil Van Minerva.
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  2. Dadaist subjectivity and the politics of indifference: On some contrasts and correspondences between dada in zürich and Berlin.Hubert van den Berg - 2000 - In Willem van Reijen & Willem G. Weststeijn (eds.), Subjectivity. Atlanta, GA: Rodopi.
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    Tailor-made pharmacotherapy: Future developments and ethical challenges in the field of pharmacogenomics.Johannes Van Delden, Ineke Bolt, Annemarie Kalis, Jeroen Derijks & Hubert Leufkens - 2004 - Bioethics 18 (4):303–321.
    In this article ethical issues are discussed which play a role in pharmacogenetics. Developments in pharmacogenetics have a large impact on many different practices such as clinical trials, the practice of medicine and society at large. In clinical trials, questions rise regarding the exclusion of genetic subgroups that may be non- or poor-responders to the experimental drug. Also, the question is asked how pharmaceutical companies should deal with their growing knowledge about the relations between genetic variation and adverse effects. Moreover, (...)
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    Transnationality, internationalism and nationhood: European avant-garde in the first half of the twentieth century.Hubert van den Berg & Lidia Głuchowska (eds.) - 2013 - Leuven: Peeters.
    New means of transport and communication allowed unprecedented mobility of people, goods and ideas in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, which contributed to far-reaching economic, social and political changes in a first wave of globalisation. In its genuine transnationality, the European historical avant-garde can be seen as a product of this development. Cosmpolitanism, internationality and internationalism became emblems of the avant-garde in its pursuit of a 'new', modern international culture trangressing 'old' borders and limitations dictated by conceptions of (...)
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  5. Academy of Consciousness Studies Princeton University June 26 to July 9, 1994.Hubert Van Maele - 1994 - Foundations of Physics 24 (1).
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  6. Der mensch ist eine kopie der erde.van Asch van Wijck & Hubert Matthijs Adriaan Jan - 1935 - [Utrecht,: H. M. A. J. van Asch van Wijck].
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  7. Walter Benjamin.W. Van Reijen, N. Bolz & Hubert Van den Bergh - 1993 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 55 (1):166-167.
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  8. Fascinatie en extimiteit.Hubert Van Hoorde - 2006 - de Uil Van Minerva 21 (4):234-235.
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  9. Is dit psychoanalyse?Hubert Van Hoorde - 2006 - de Uil Van Minerva 21 (2-3):119-126.
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    Manifeste--Intentionalität.Hubert van den Berg & Ralf Grüttemeier (eds.) - 1998 - Atlanta, Ga.: Rodopi.
    Dem hier präsentierten Band liegt die These zugrunde, daß die Anfänge der Praxis, kunstprogrammatische Texte als Manifest zu bezeichnen, und die anschließende Hoch-konjunktur in der avantgardistischen Nomenklatur vor dem Hintergrund der problematisch gewordenen Intentionalität im Dreieck Künstler, Kunstwerk und Publikum gesehen werden muß. Den Beleg dafür tritt der vorliegende Band von drei Ansätzen aus an: Interpretation, Funktionalität und Strategie. Dabei wird ein Korpus aus verschiedenen Kunstsparten behandelt, das von literarischen Deklarationen der russischen Moderne ab 1893 bis zu postmodernen Manifesten reicht, (...)
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    'Triabide'?Hubert Van Hoorde - 2006 - de Uil Van Minerva 21 (2-3):138-140.
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    M. Tullii Ciceronis De officiis libri tres: Cato maior ; Laelius ; Paradoxa ; Somnium Scipionis.Marcus Tullius Cicero, Joannes Georgius Graevius, Denys Lambin, Abraham Wolfgang & Johan van Someren - 1688 - Ex Typographia P. & I. Blaeu, Prostant Apud Wolfgang, Ianssonio-Waesbergios, Boom, À Someren, & Goethals.
  13. Understanding the Contribution of HRM Bundles for Employee Outcomes Across the Life-Span.Klaske N. Veth, Hubert P. L. M. Korzilius, Beatrice I. J. M. Van der Heijden, Ben J. M. Emans & Annet H. De Lange - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:475130.
    Using the Job Demands-Resources model literature and the life-span theory as scholarly frameworks, we examined the effects of job demands and job resources as mediators in the relationship between bundles of used HRM practices and employee outcomes. In addition, we tested for age differences in our research model. Findings confirmed the hypothesized original 2-factor structure representing maintenance and development HRM practices. Structural Equation Modeling analyses showed that the maintenance HRM bundle related directly and negatively to employee outcomes, without moderating effects (...)
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    Bridge Over an Aging Population: Examining Longitudinal Relations Among Human Resource Management, Social Support, and Employee Outcomes Among Bridge Workers.Klaske N. Veth, Beatrice I. J. M. Van der Heijden, Hubert P. L. M. Korzilius, Annet H. De Lange & Ben J. M. Emans - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Dealing with sexual boundary violation in mental healthcare institutions by government policies: the case of Flanders, Belgium.Johan Bilsen, Hubert Van Puyenbroeck, Dirk De Wachter, Frieda Matthys, Kim Dewilde & Lara Vesentini - 2022 - BMC Medical Ethics 23 (1):1-8.
    BackgroundTo prevent sexual boundary violations (SBV) in mental health care institutions overall governments require these institutions to report SBV incidents to a central registry and to develop institutional guidelines how to react. In Europe SBV policies are only recently developed or implemented, as is also the case in Flanders (Belgium). The implementation of a new institutional policy is always a challenge and can encounter resistance, especially when it concerns SBV, because they remain delicate and complex.MethodThis study evaluated the extent to (...)
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  16.  54
    On the Internet.Hubert L. Dreyfus - 2001 - Routledge.
    _Internet_ is een van de eerste boeken waarin het filosofische inzicht -van Plato tot Kierkegaard - betrokken wordt op het debat over de mogelijkheden en onmogelijkheden van het internet. Dreyfus laat zien dat de onstoffelijke, 'vrij zwevende' websurfer zijn oorsprong vindt in Descartes' scheiding van geest en lichaam, en hoe Kierkegaards inzichten in de opkomst van het moderne leespubliek vooruitlopen op de nieuwsgierige, maar elk risico vermijdende internet-junkie. Uitgaande van recente onderzoeken naar het isolement dat veel internetgebruikers ervaren, toont Dreyfus (...)
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    De partijkongressen van de BSP sinds de tweede wereldoorlog : Proeve tot analyse naar frekwentie en besluitvorming.Hubert Lyben - 1973 - Res Publica 15 (4):701-724.
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  18. M. Kleiber, M. van de Kerchove, et autres, La loi dans l'éthique chrétienne Reviewed by.Hubert Doucet - 1983 - Philosophy in Review 3 (2):66-70.
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  19. Flexible semantic processing of spatial prepositions.Frisson Steven, Sandra Dominiek, Brisard Frank, van Rillaer Gert & Cuyckens Hubert - 1998 - Journal of Semantics 15 (3).
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  20. Geschiedenis van de wijsbegeerte van de middeleeuwen.Hubert Dethier - 1973 - Brussel: Vrije Universiteit Brussel.
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    Denken in de spiegel: Hubert Dethier: filosofie en zingeving voor de 21ste eeuw.Hubert Dethier - 2015 - Brussel: ASP. Edited by Julien Libbrecht.
    Dit boek is een hommage aan de filosoof Hubert Dethier (°21 juli 1933), die we zeker in de rij kunnen plaatsen van denkers als Jaap Kruithof, Hans Achterhuis en Etienne Vermeersch. Deze hommage is geen chronologische biografie. Het is daarentegen wel een verhaal waarin het leven van Hubert Dethier verweven wordt met de geschiedenis van zijn denken. Een denken dat zich situeert in de tweede helft van de vorige eeuw en het begin van de huidige eeuw en zich (...)
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    Cicero's Role Models: The Political Strategy of a Newcomer.Henriette van der Blom - 2010 - Oxford University Press.
    A study of the rhetorical and political strategy adopted by the Roman orator and statesman Cicero as a newcomer in Roman republican politics. Henriette van der Blom argues that Cicero advertised himself as a follower of chosen models of behaviour from the past - his role models - and in turn presented himself as a role model to others.
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    Cicero refused to die: Ciceronian influence through the centuries.Nancy Van Deusen (ed.) - 2013 - Boston: Brill.
    Cicero, it would seem, has refused to die, despite a tragic and ignominious assassination in 43 B.C., and the fact that today Latin is decreasing as a language that is commonly taught. This book offers a thorough study of why Cicero and his works have continued, through the centuries, to have an enormous influence, for example, on education, literature, legal training--an influence that brings the past into the present.
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    Cicero's legal philosophy.Deon Hurter Van Zyl - 1986 - Roodepoort: Digma Publications.
  25.  17
    Europa! Europa?: The Avant-Garde, Modernism and the Fate of a Continent.Sascha Bru, Jan Baetens, Benedikt Hjartarson, Peter Nicholls, Tania Ørum & Hubert van den Berg (eds.) - 2009 - Walter de Gruyter.
    Biographical note: Sascha Bru, Genth University, Belgium; Peter Nicholls, University of Sussex, UK.
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  26. Het probleem van geloof en wetenschap in de Middeleeuwen.Hubert Dethier - 1973 - Brussel : Vrije Universiteit,: Edited by Boetius de Dacia.
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    Journées maliotes Malia, ville et territoire : organisation des espaces et exploitation des ressources, colloque organisé a l'Ecole française d'Athènes les 2-3 novembre 2007. [REVIEW]Maia Pomadère, Julien Zurbach, Martin Schmid, Jean-Claude Poursat, René Treuil, Olivier Pelon, Pascal Darcque, Aleydis Van de Moortel, Charlotte Langohr, Quentin Letesson, Hubert Fiasse, Piraye Haciguzeller, Maud Devolder, Jan Driessen, Sylvie Müller Celka, Carl Knappett, Dario Puglisi, Laurent Lespez, Tatiana Théodoropoulou, Anaya Sarpaki, Emmanuelle Vila & Daniel Helmer - 2007 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 131 (2):821-887.
    Les Journées maliotes organisées à l'École française d'Athènes les 2 et 3 novembre 2007 portaient sur l'organisation des espaces et l'exploitation des ressources, thèmes qui permettaient d'unir les approches effectuées ces dernières années selon deux échelles différentes, celle de l'agglomération et de l'urbanisme d'une part, celle de l'organisation du territoire d'autre part. Les contributions portent toutes sur des recherches en cours, dont la publication est récente ou proche. Elles sont publiées ici sous forme de résumés argumentés et reflètent fidèlement les (...)
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  28. Summa Averroïstica.Hubert Dethier - 1977 - [1050] Brussel, [Adolphe Buyllaan 139]: Vrije Universiteit Brussel.
    1. Het averroïstisch-nominalistisch front en de leer van de dubbele waarheid.
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    The Microscope of Experience: Christian Garve's Translation of Cicero's "De Officiis".Johan van der Zande - 1998 - Journal of the History of Ideas 59 (1):75.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Microscope of Experience: Christian Garve’s Translation of Cicero’s De Officiis (1783)Johan van der ZandeDuring the negotiations leading to the Treaty of Teschen of 1779, ending the phony War of Bavarian Succession, Frederick II and his court stayed in Breslau, the capital of Silesia. There, in conversation with Christian Garve, the city’s most famous son, the king strongly recommended a new German translation of Cicero’s On Moral (...)
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  30. Cicero in the interplay of principle and practice : a 17th century Reformed-pietistic approach.Frank van der Pol - 2018 - In Anne Eusterschulte & Günter Frank (eds.), Cicero in der frühen Neuzeit. Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt: Frommann-Holzboog Verlag.
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  31. Hubert L. Dreyfus, ed., Husserl, Intentionality, and Cognitive Science. [REVIEW]M. Van de Pitte - 1985 - Philosophy in Review 5 (1):11-14.
    This is a collection of articles clarifying the nature of Husserlian phenomenology. Dreyfus argues that, given that Husserl put intentionality at the centre of cognitive investigation and painstakingly analyzed it and related concepts in logic, linguistics and psychology he is the father of current research in cognitive science and artificial intelligence. The authors include Follesdal, Fodor, Mohanty and Searle among others.
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  32. The reception of Cicero's friendship theory in Lambert Daneau (c. 1530-1595).Willem van Asselt - 2018 - In Anne Eusterschulte & Günter Frank (eds.), Cicero in der frühen Neuzeit. Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt: Frommann-Holzboog Verlag.
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    Law in Cicero (J.) Harries Cicero and the Jurists. From Citizens' Law to the Lawful State. Pp. 256. London: Duckworth, 2006. Cased, £45. ISBN: 978-0-7156-3432-. [REVIEW]Henriette van der Blom - 2008 - The Classical Review 58 (2):454-.
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    All things shining. Reading the Western classics to find meaning in a secular age, by Hubert Dreyfus and Sean Kelly.Walter Van Herck - 2014 - International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 75 (1):104-107.
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    A Written Republic: Cicero's Philosophical Politics.Henriette van der Blom - 2013 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 21 (2):404 - 406.
    (2013). A Written Republic: Cicero's Philosophical Politics. British Journal for the History of Philosophy: Vol. 21, No. 2, pp. 404-406. doi: 10.1080/09608788.2013.771250.
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    IMMORALITY IN CICERO - Hammar Making Enemies. The Logic of Immorality in Ciceronian Oratory. Pp. 381. Lund: Lund University, 2013. Paper. ISBN: 978-91-7473-613-7. [REVIEW]Henriette van der Blom - 2014 - The Classical Review 64 (2):452-453.
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    In the Image of Cicero: German Philosophy between Wolff and Kant.Johan Van Der Zande - 1995 - Journal of the History of Ideas 56 (3):419.
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    The De Oratore - Wisse, Winterbottom, Fantham M. Tullius Cicero De Oratore Book III. Volume 5: a Commentary on Book III, 96–230. Pp. xx + 438. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2008. Cased, €68. ISBN: 978-3-8253-1588-7. [REVIEW]Christopher S. van den Berg - 2010 - The Classical Review 60 (1):114-116.
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    Cicero in the Courtroom of St. Thomas Aquinas. [REVIEW]William A. Van Roo - 1947 - Modern Schoolman 24 (2):123-124.
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    Man as ‘aggregate of data’.Sjoukje van der Meulen & Max Bruinsma - 2019 - AI and Society 34 (2):343-354.
    Since the emergence of the innovative field of artificial intelligence in the 1960s, the late Hubert Dreyfus insisted on the ontological distinction between man and machine, human and artificial intelligence. In the different editions of his classic and influential book What computers can’t do, he posits that an algorithmic machine can never fully simulate the complex functioning of the human mind—not now, nor in the future. Dreyfus’ categorical distinctions between man and machine are still relevant today, but their relation (...)
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    Aristotelian elements in cicero's "de divinatione".Philip van der Eijk - 1993 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 137 (2).
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    Descartes' droom: filosofie en strips.Margreet van Muijlwijk - 2013 - Brussel: VUB-Press.
    In 'Descartes' droom' worden strip en filosofie met elkaar verbonden. Een idee van Hubert Dethier, die in zijn colleges aan de VUB het medium strip tot onderwerp van filosofische bezinning maakte. Filosofe en vroegere stripuitgeefster Margreet van Muijlwijk nam de fakkel van hem over en verbond ter gelegenheid van Hubert Dethiers tachtigste verjaardag diens gedachtegoed met de vele aspecten van wat intussen een volwassen kunst (de negende kunst) is geworden. Strip en filosofie passen goed bij elkaar. Terwijl filosofie (...)
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    The wise man is never merely a private citizen: The Roman Stoa in Hugo Grotius’ De Jure Praedae (1604–1608).Martine van Ittersum - 2010 - History of European Ideas 36 (1):1-18.
    The possible Stoic origins of the natural rights and natural law theories of the Dutch jurist Hugo Grotius (1583–1645) has been a subject of scholarly debate in recent years. Yet discussions about Grotian sociability tend to focus exclusively on the meaning of appetitus societatis in De Jure Praedae (written in 1604–1608) and De Jure Belli ac Pacis (1625), with little reference to the historical context. Insufficient consideration has been given to the intended audience(s) of these works, Grotius’ purpose in writing (...)
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    Life writing in cicero and Augustus - (l.) diegel life writing zwischen republik und prinzipat. Cicero und Augustus. (Schweizerische beiträge zur altertumswissenschaft 53.) pp. 379. Basel: Schwabe, 2021. Cased, chf68. Isbn: 978-3-7965-4229-9. [REVIEW]Lidewij Van Gils - 2022 - The Classical Review 72 (1):143-145.
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    Ciceroniaanse ars inveniendi.C. A. van Peursen - 1993 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 55 (3):473 - 495.
    The ‘ars inveniendi’ of Cicero has been discussed in studies on Rhetoric, but hardly within the framework of philosophy. This article stresses its importance for philosophical reflection by analysing the ‘ars inveniendi’ in the works of Cicero and tracing its further development (Boethius, Agricola, Ramus). Its effect can be retraced in later philosophers who are using the topic of ‘ars inveniendi’, referring to Cicero, such as Bacon and Leibniz.
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    Leopold Flam (1912-1995): een filosoof van gisteren voor een wereld van morgen.Léopold Flam, Willem Elias & Hubert Dethier (eds.) - 2010 - Brussel: VUBPress.
    "Leopold Flam (1912-1995) is samen met Leo Apostel wellicht de belangrijkste figuur van het filosofische gebeuren tussen de jaren vijftig en tachtig van de vorige eeuw. Toch is hij in de vergetelheid geraakt.
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    Karl Popper und das Staatsverständnis des Kritischen Rationalismus.Robert Christian van Ooyen & Martin H. W. Möllers (eds.) - 2019 - Baden-Baden: Nomos.
    Kaum einer hat die offene Gesellschaft in der politischen Philosophie des 20. Jahrhunderts so leidenschaftlich verteidigt wie Karl Popper. Sein Demokratieverstandnis ist eng gekoppelt an seine Wissenschaftstheorie und die Kritik an Platon, Hegel, Marx. Als Liberaler und sozialer Reformist wird er parteiubergreifend zum Stichwortgeber bundesdeutscher Politik seit den 70er Jahren. Popper-Rezeptionen finden sich bis in die Staatsrechtslehre (namentlich Peter Haberle) und das Bundesverfassungsgericht hinein. Noch heute lasst sich mit Popper gegen Diktaturen wie uberhaupt gegen Konzepte von "Gemeinschaft" Position beziehen - (...)
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    The Philippics (G.) Manuwald (ed.) Cicero, Philippics 3–9. Volume 1: Introduction, Text and Translation. Volume 2: Commentary. (Texte und Kommentare 30.1–2.) Pp. xxiv + 1153, maps. Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2007. Cased, €168, US$198. ISBN: 978-3-11-019325-. [REVIEW]Christopher S. Van Den Berg - 2009 - The Classical Review 59 (1):126-.
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    The wise man is never merely a private citizen: The Roman Stoa in Hugo Grotius’De Jure Praedae.Martine Julia van Ittersum - 2010 - History of European Ideas 36 (1):1-18.
    The possible Stoic origins of the natural rights and natural law theories of the Dutch jurist Hugo Grotius has been a subject of scholarly debate in recent years. Yet discussions about Grotian sociability tend to focus exclusively on the meaning of appetitus societatis in De Jure Praedae and De Jure Belli ac Pacis , with little reference to the historical context. Insufficient consideration has been given to the intended audience of these works, Grotius’ purpose in writing them, and the possible (...)
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    Is Our Universe a Mere Fluke? The Cosmological Argument and Spinning the Universes.Jaap Van Brakel - 1988 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1988:75-82.
    Recent discussions about the anthropic principle and the argument from design can perhaps be summarized as follows : The world is very unusual, so it must have been made by an intelligent creator. The world is very unusual, but unusual things do occur by chance. Both and , in their ordinary interpretations, have been labelled probabilistic fallacies. In my paper I will discuss in particular the following two aspects: The contemporary relevance of Cicero's discussions on chance. The fact that (...)
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